I am very pleased to welcome you to the M.S.K. Sr. Sec. school is website M.S.K. is affiliated to Central Board of School Education which is the largest educational board in the country. Our school is governed by Khalsa Parchar, Baba Fateh Singh Academy . M.S.K is a progressive child centric co-educational school. The school is spread in about 8741 sq.meters of land. It has a building with play ground providing a play field for games like Volleyball, Kho-kho Basketball, Badminton Cricket etc. The rooms are well ventilated and spacious . The School has well equipped laboratories with modern facilities.
The aim of the school is to impart education to the poor and the needy students. The School provides modern education in spiritual environment . The students are not just taught the material skills but more important they are taught the spiritual skills and that education make the students complete successful human beings.
At M.S.K. we aim to impart high quality education in a child - friendly atmosphere through innovative methods and activity oriented curriculum keeping pace with modern times, the school ensures that practical knowledge is provided at an equal level with theoretical knowledge which is necessary for proper development of mind.
The world around us is changing rapidly and constantly . In this fast paced world where everyone is lost in the mad race of competing with each other and at every stage, stess and anxiety rule the roost. Today, innovation is the norm and failure obviously its necessary by product.
The people who form their early age, learn to take failure in their stride and get comfortable with a bit of discomfort, struggle and hardship do well in their later life. The strict training in discipline received at home and at school prepares them to bear ain,confront anxiety,tolerate criticism, take intelligent risks and question the conventional wisdom to carve a niche for themselves. The journey of life for them ,then, is not a grind;it becomes exciting and enjoyable.
It’s always not the silent sea but the violent one tests and sharpens the ability of a captain to steer his ship through turbulent waters. To taste the nector of success, you have to be ready to sweat in the sweltering heat,drench in the rain; you have to be ready to be swept off your feet in the tempest;initially you might fumble,be ridiculed and made the butt of cruel jokes but if you do not surrender,you will certainly see your cherished dreams bloom into a reality.
But unfortunately most of the parents today are consumed by the terrifying urge to lavish all luxurious on their children before they deserve it let alone need it . In school, the ever tightening noose of rules and regimens around teachers has impaired their willingness to groom robust and resilient individuals.
Therefore, today the biggest challenge before the academic world is to wean the children away from the five-star comforts and prepare them to face the harsh realities of life. There are umpteen ways but only if we are genuinely determined and sincere.
I owe a deep sense of gratitude to our committed and supportive principal,all revered Trustees and dedicated educators’guidance and constant support .
I congratulate the entire team for their hard-work,dedication and invaluable contribution.
Welcome to Mata Sahib Kaur Sr. Sec. School, a fusion of ‘Discernment , Divinity and Devotion’. It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the school’s website through which I can get you intimated with the best of our school.
At Mata sahib kaur Sr. Sec School , under the guidance of ‘Baba Fateh Singh Academy Israna Sahib’, we focus on all round development of our students by involving them in scholastic and co- scholastic activities throughout the year. We offer a broad curriculum and a range of opportunities for all the students to achieve excellence in academic ,creative, social ,cultural, sporting and community endeavours. We provide such an environment to our students so that they can flourish at their best. While academic excellence is our major thrust, the school is also devoted to preparing students to be able to face the challenges in their life.
Education is a process in which contribution of students, teachers and parents in equal proportions is needed at its atmost level . The teachers and the parents are the most strengthening powers in moulding thefuture of Children. The dedicated teachers and awared parents with their consistent support empower us to do more and more for the nation builders. With a blend of good facilities, excellent faculty , spiritual atmosphere, our school aims to make the students grow to their full potential
At Mata Sahib Kaur Sr. Sec. School, every child is provided not only with the good knowledge , the sense of excellent behavior inside or outside the school, but also the right world view and perspective that will guide him/her at every step of life.
I am confident enough that our students will make themselves stronger day by day and glitter the name of our school.
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