Our Founder

Sardar Shri Rajinder Singh Ji planted the seeds of this institution in April 2009. From a tiny sapling ,it has now grown into a huge tree.

Our Motto

‘Vidhya Vichari tan Parupkari’ means ‘He is learned indeed,who does good to others’.

Aim of the School

The aim of the school is to impart education to the poor and the needy students. The School provides modern education in spiritual environment . The students are not just taught the material skills but more important they are taught the spiritual skills and that education make the students complete successful human beings.

School Infrastructure

  • School
    PlayGroud 1

  • School
    PlayGroud 2

  • School
    PlayGroud 3

F acilities & Events

  • Dance Rooms
  • Music Rooms
  • Sports
  • Transport
  • Labs,Library
  • Yoga Activity
  • Festival Celebrations
  • Annual Day/Fest